Tznius and the Erev Rav
Thanks to Rabbi Wallerstein’s recent shiur about Erev Rav, received a revelation. There are many women in our Jewish communities who unfortunately put down Tznius in a way that is very clear. They don’t want to dress according to halacha, they put down other Jewish women who do. They purposely dress in a spirit that is opposite to Tznius, flaunting their Hollywood-style sheitels, tight clothing, loud color clothing, stilettos and heavy makeup.
Is it possible that these women who are Jewish belong to a group called the Erev Rav? Yes, there is that possibility. These women unfortunately put themselves out to be ba’alei chesed (doers of kindness) and spread their own messages of what tznius ought to be. Do not listen to them. You have to choose which side you are going to be on — Hashem’s or the Erev Rav.
And you have to make that choice now …. before Moshiach comes. Because after Moshiach comes, your choice is no longer an option. The truth will be so clear-cut, your eyes will be open like angels, and your option for teshuva is no longer there.
Watch this video to learn more about the Erev Rav and why they choose what they do. The video is not about tznius but the message applies to those who openly and purposefully lead other women to sin through their “distorted” views of Tznius.